Where/how can I get signed copies of your books?

At the moment the only way to get your books signed by me is to come to one of my in-person events. Please check out Events on my website for any upcoming opportunities.

I hope that I’ll be able to offer signed books to my readers more easily in the future!

If you’d like, I can send you a signed bookplate sticker, which you can affix to the book’s blank first page (at the moment I only have When Ghosts Call Us Home themed bookplates – while supplies last!)

I’m a blogger/reviewer, how can I get review copies of your books?

For my backlist/published books, review copies are no longer available. However, you can buy my books from your favourite shop or online – or borrow them from your local library.

For my forthcoming books, the best way to request a review copy is either via NetGalley or by reaching out to my publisher directly (check out some useful info listed under Contact). I only get a handful of review copies for each of my novels and all of them are usually already spoken for. However, I run occasional giveaways of review copies – the best way to stay up to date on these opportunities if to follow me on IG.

If you review/write for a major publication, please reach out to my publicist (for the relevant territory) or to me directly.

Will you come to my school/class and talk about books and writing?

Maybe! Check out School Visits on my website.

Will you do an interview/feature for my blog?

Highly likely! I’m always open to interview requests, though it really depends on what my schedule’s like and how many simultaneous deadlines I’m trying to meet. Feel free to send me a media request to [katyadebecerraauthor AT gmail.com]; please include a link to your blog or journal/platform, and outline what you’d like to discuss (e.g., sample questions, possible topics for a guest blog, etc.).

Who do I contact about business-related questions?

Please contact my agent, Rena Rossner (her details are listed under the Contact section of my website)

Will you read my story/manuscript/query and give me feedback

I can’t read your writing, sorry. It’s simply not possible for me as there are limited hours in the day and not enough energy in my body. There are also legal reasons why I’m unable to read your writing and give feedback. However, there are many opportunities out there to receive critique, feedback and to develop your writing and improve your craft. Internet is full of information and resources. Personally, I recommend Amy Tipton who is a terrific writing coach and editor. She’s a former agent (she sold my first two books) who now runs her own editing company – Amy has LOTS of experience and knowledge of the publishing industry.

Will you refer me to your agent?

While I’m not able to refer you to my current agent, the good news is that you don’t need my referral to query her! Her manuscript wish-list and querying information are publicly available and you can check when she’s open for queries via QueryTracker.

How did you become a writer?

I was always a storyteller, and writing, reading and imagining were always a part of who I am, my identity, and my way of seeing and interpreting the world. I never felt the need to say ‘I want to be a writer’ because I was already one – can you want to be what you already are?

Why do you write horror?  

To me, writing (or reading/watching) horror is an escape from the real-life horrors which are so much scarier than any horrific scenario a movie or a book can ever come up with. Examples? Read the news and turn on your TV.

After reading your bio, I’m intrigued to know what is the long version of your real name?

My full name is Ekaterina, which shortens to Katya 🙂

You work at a university and supervise graduate research. What kind of projects are you supervising? Will you be my PhD supervisor?

I supervise a range of projects in the disciplines of Higher Education, Cultural Anthropology, Teaching and Learning, and Creative Writing. I have several graduate students (PhD and Masters by Research) working on Creative Writing projects by artefact and exegesis, where they develop an ‘artefact’ (e.g., a novel, a series of short stories, a script, etc.) and produce an accompanying thesis (‘exegesis’) on the topics and themes explored in their writing. I have a near full supervision schedule at the moment but I’m always keen to review new research proposals. You can email me [katyadebecerraauthor AT gmail.com] to express your interest and I’ll direct you to next steps, if relevant.